Ruzzle Lego Mindstorm NodeJS Solver

Yesterday I start to build a new Lego Mindstorm project to solve Ruzzle, a popular iOS/Android game.

My goal is to merge both software (image processing, ocr, solver) and hardware (mechanics, servos, fake finger on a touchscreen) worlds, building a funny Lego robot.

On software side:

  • Bash script for download screenshot of device
  • ImageMagick to process screenshot image
  • Tesseract for character recognition
  • NodeJS for:
    • solving ruzzle game
    • send the plan to lego mindstorm nxt via bluetooth

On hardware side:

  • Lego Mindstorm (nxt)
  • Nxc program that receive plan via bluetooth
  • Absolute Position Regulator for precise control of servo

When I have something working, I post nxc program on Github:
